UK domestic solar pv installers are looking for new products to sell and solar batteries are likely to be a key part of their sales drive. Many installers are struggling with big reductions in demand for solar pv installations as the February 2016 cut in Feed In Tariff payments for new installations starts to bite. Selling solar batteries to owners of already installed … [Read more...]
Last Month Of The Old FIT Regime: UK Solar PV Domestic Installations In January 2016
Latest data from DECC (Department of Energy & Climate Change) shows that in January 2016, the last month of the old Feed In Tariff (FIT) regime, there were 18,400 domestic solar PV registrations of 4kW or less systems. This is a 124% increase on January 2015 when there were 8,200 registrations. The January 2016 installations added 53 MW of electricity generation capacity at … [Read more...]
DECC Sets Feed In Tariff Rate: 4.39p Per kWh From 8 February 2016
The government response to the consultation on the Review of the Feed-in Tariffs Scheme for solar PV systems was published today. There was some positive news for consumers and the solar industry with a plan to pay a generation Feed In Tariff of 4.39p per kWh for new solar panel installations under 10kW compared with the original proposal of 1.63p. The new rates will take … [Read more...]
Solar PV Panel Installation Example: 2.5kWp
To help you work out how much electricity your solar PV panel installation can generate each month here's an example of a 2.5kW solar system. The 2.5 kWp solar panels, made up of ten 250W panels on the left side of the roof, are mounted on a modern 3 bedroomed house. The installation cost was around £4,500. Normally for a retrofit to an existing house in the UK you would … [Read more...]
UK Government Propose VAT Rise To 20% On Solar Panels
In a further blow to the UK solar PV panel installation industry, HM Revenue And Customs confirmed on 9th December in a consultation document that VAT on solar panel installations is likely to be raised on 1st August 2016 from the current level of 5% to the maximum 20% rate. Whilst the consultation runs until 3rd February 2016 there seems little prospect of the UK avoiding … [Read more...]